What is a SIPP?

A SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pension) is a type of pension scheme which gives people more flexibility and transparency. They give more options to invest in, which means you can build the ideal investment strategy to suit your needs. It is a UK based pension scheme but is available to UK residents as well as expats.

Can I transfer my pension to a SIPP if I live overseas?

Yes, you can with something called an International SIPP. It’s exactly the same as a traditional SIPP with the added benefit of being able to have your pension in multiple currencies, including USD. EUR, AUD, CHF, CAD JPY.

How is a SIPP differnet from my company pension?
Company pensions are not managed by a professional and the investment options are generally limited to insurance company funds. The retirement options are also often limited and the costs can be quite high for very little in return.
I'm years away from retirement. Surely I can just wait until then?

The UK government is making it more and more difficult for non-UK residents to transfer their pensions. In 2017 they added a 25% tax charge on transfer for QROPS if the individual wasn’t a resident in the same country as to where the QROPS was held, and a lot of UK based pensions are refusing to pay draw-down to people who live overseas.

UK Legislation

As a SIPP is a UK-based pension that follows the ever-changing UK legislation. This gives the client the protection and security that their pension still sits with the regulatory bodies of the UK.


This is where SIPPs have really taken off. You can invest in Unit Trusts, Mutual Funds, ETFs, UK Shares, Overseas Shares, Government Bonds, Corporate Bonds, Structured Products, Cash Deposits, you name it.


When you retire, a SIPP gives you the flexibility of having multiple different income drawdown options. You can have a fixed income, a flexible-access drawdown option that could fit in with consultancy work, or you could even buy an annuity if they became attractive again. This allows you to plan more efficiently.