Worrying about Inflation?

Aug 17, 2022 | Investments, Markets

Worrying about Inflation?

Aug 17, 2022 | Investments, Markets

Inflation can be a worrying prospect, especially when it seems to be constantly on the rise. If you’re struggling to overcome inflation anxiety and make adjustments to your financial plan, read on for advice that can help you stay ahead of the curve.

By following these simple guidelines, you can feel more prepared for whatever the future may bring.

It’s Real

The cost of living is rising, and people are feeling the pressure. A recent survey from Bankrate found that 40% or more US adults are feeling stressed or negatively affected in terms of their mental health because of money concerns. The stock market is unpredictable and interest rates keep rising. This has left many Wall Street veterans describing the mood as one of uncertainty.

There is no doubt that the market is cyclical, as economists and financial advisors often point out. The inflation rate is expected to reach its peak or be close to it. According to others, big-box retailers are eating cost increases instead of passing them on to consumers.

Take Control

During tough economic times like this, experts say it’s important to keep in mind what’s out of your control. By recognizing that inflation and the war abroad are driving the current economic environment, some pressure can be relieved. It is also important to recognize that some of the inflationary pressures caused by supply chain issues and the COVID-19 crisis are historical in nature.

There is no point in blaming or shaming. The best option is to make a financial plan that matches the current financial situation.

Money Moves

Inflation can affect many different sectors of the economy, which is one of its most challenging aspects. Nevertheless, there are ways to improve your situation. With rising prices, analysts say monthly budgets are more important than ever to keep spending habits in check. Dining out and entertainment typically account for most discretionary spending.

When times get tough, it is important to stay positive and keep your chin up. Although “grin and bear it” may not provide much stress relief, knowing that there will be better days can be helpful for ones who find themselves facing financial hardships.

Despite these concerns, there are ways to fight inflation and protect your hard-earned money. One of the simplest and most effective solutions is to create a monthly budget. This will allow you to keep track of where your money is going and make adjustments as needed. When done correctly, a budget can help insulate you from the negative effects of inflation while giving you peace of mind about your financial future.

The financial world is a constantly evolving place, and we must stay on top of changes. Are you ready to get started?

This communication is for informational purposes only based on our understanding of current legislation and practices which are subject to change and are not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.


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