Bonding With Bonds

Bonding With Bonds

Step away from the allure of shares for a moment. It might surprise you to learn that more money is invested in bonds than in shares. A staggering $100 trillion is invested in bonds worldwide every year. Recently, bonds have been gaining prominence, particularly...
Navigating Volatile Markets

Navigating Volatile Markets

Harnessing the power of your retirement savings in the midst of market volatility requires strategic planning and a keen understanding of your financial goals. While market fluctuations may induce anxiety, they also present opportunities for savvy investors to make the most of their retirement funds. In this article, we’ll dive into strategies for structuring your retirement savings in volatile markets.

Compound Investing in a Pension

Compound Investing in a Pension

Building a secure retirement is a lifelong goal for many individuals, and one of the most effective ways to achieve that is through compound investing in a pension. While pensions may seem complex, understanding the power of compound investing within this framework can help individuals maximize their savings and create a solid financial foundation for their retirement years. In this article, we will explore the key reasons why compound investing in a pension is so powerful, and how it can significantly impact your retirement savings.

The Importance of Retirement Planning

The Importance of Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is a topic that often gets overlooked or brushed aside by many working-age individuals. But in today’s ever-changing landscape, with recent events like Brexit, the global pandemic, and subsequent recovery efforts, retirement saving has taken a backseat even for policymakers. While pension policies went through significant changes in the past, the last comprehensive review of the retirement saving system dates back to 2005 when Lord Turner’s Pensions Commission presented its findings.